Donate Life

A 2+1 day workshop – Donate Life A 3-day workshop on the design of a poster dedicated to the donation of life after the death of Kish Island The workshop was held in May 2018, and Ali Delzendehr…

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Afdesta Fusion

Afdesta Fusion Style Introduction: Afdesta style is a fusion of classic methods of photography, digital illustration, and graphic design, aimed to create artworks to protest filth and portrait humans&…

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Panart Interview

متن کامل مصاحبه در مجله دیجیتال هنرهای تجسمی  پان آرت نسخه بیستم / مردادماه نود و سه  چطور با هنرهای تجسمی آشنا شدید؟ و فعالیت در این رشته از کی آغاز شد؟! آشنایی با این رشته و فعالیت در رشته های تجسمی…

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3th Shiraz Startup Weekend

The third Shiraz Startup Weekend In this event, as with other startup events, the groups, while taking advantage of the knowledge of the Mentors and forming a team based on an idea, started producing …

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Bushehr Startup Weekend

Tourism Startup Camp Startup is an Experiential Education event around the world that runs for 3 consecutive days (at the end of the week). In this program, enthusiastic participants, including progra…

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